The core competence of Relytex® is the application of conductive structures to textiles. These can be sensor, alarm or antenna structures. Conductive structures can be adapted in size, shape and design - according to customer requirements. Depending on the area of application, Relytex® offers different carrier materials and coatings.
The flexible and safe textile structure - equipped with sensor technology - is versatile and offers 360 ° all-round protection for tarpaulins and truck tarpaulins, pallets, etc.
The tamper-proof alarm electronics are welded onto the inside of the tarpaulin. The flat, ergonomic design does not affect the handling of the tarpaulin in any way.
The black box is the link between alarm electronics and existing telematics systems. Alarm-protected and equipped with a powerful external siren. A self-sufficient power supply ensures a reliable function for up to 8 years. No additional SIM card required! No additional costs!
The RFID antenna, which is specially manufactured for industrial use, is extremely robust and, in addition to a high range and bandwidth, offers excellent frequency stability. In addition to rental linen, it is also ideally suited for the use of highly stressed mops, cleaning cloths and floor mats. Excellent industrial quality - tested on 500 washing cycles.
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